VoxEU has a new e-book entitled The US-Sino Currency Dispute: New Insights from Economics, Politics, and Law. Here's the abstract:
Thanks to deft diplomatic footwork, a US-China confrontation over the renminbi has been avoided. But the US Treasury has merely postponed the publication of its report on foreign currency manipulators, and the dispute may overshadow the G20 meetings in June and November. The 28 short essays in this Ebook provide the best available economic, legal, political, and geopolitical thinking on the causes and likely consequences of the dispute.
And here's the part of the TOC addressing WTO legal issues:
SECTION 5: Does the crisis-era renminbi regime violate WTO rules? Is the threat of WTO litigation credible?
13. Currency ‘manipulation’ and world trade: a caution
Robert W. Staiger and Alan O. Sykes14. Currency undervaluation as a violation of GATT Article XV:4
Jorge Miranda15. Yuan to fight about it? The WTO legality of China’s exchange regime
Joel P. Trachtman16. Retaliating against exchange rate manipulation under WTO rules
Michael Waibel17. Is the Chinese exchange-rate regime ‘WTO-legal’?
Dukgeun Ahn18. China's currency regime is legitimately challengeable as a subsidy under ASCM rules
John Magnus and Timothy C. Brightbill