The International Law Association is hosting a conference on Shaping Appropriate ADR in International Law, on 7 April 2025 in Florence, Italy. The call for papers is here. Here is the conference theme:
As 2025 begins, there is no shortage of international law disputes, in areas ranging from geopolitics to boundaries, trade, investment or environment. As disputes increase, so does interest in efficient, effective, outcomes-focused dispute resolution – whether through adjudication or through alternative means. Growing reluctance to accept binding dispute settlement in some areas of international law makes it all the more important to identify dispute settlement mechanisms that can be both acceptable to the parties and efficient.
The ILA ADR Committee’s April 2025 conference will focus on appropriate ADR in public international law disputes in which at least one party is a State. Are there situations where ADR is generally more appropriate and effective for resolving international disputes, compared to other alternatives? Are particular types of such disputes best suited to ADR, or to some particular type of ADR? Our primary focus will be on non-adjudicatory and non-court processes and procedures in public international law, including but not limited to fact-finding, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, ombuds or transitional justice.
More details from the ILA:
This is an open call which welcomes all viewpoints and experiences. We encourage submissions that draw on empirical evidence and set it into theoretical context.
The conference will be held in person in Florence in hybrid format, with speakers able to hear and speak remotely. Preference will be given to authors participating in person.
Abstracts (up to 500 words) are due by February 5, 2025
Selected authors will be notified by February 25, 2025
We warmly invite scholars and practitioners to participate in this vital discussion.
Submit your proposals to [email protected]