Yesterday, there was a notice posted here about panel composition in the Mexico - GE Corn (USMCA) case, with the following panelists having been appointed:
- Christian Häberli, Chair of the panel
- Hugo Perezcano Díaz, panelist
- Jean E. Kalicki, panelist
Kalicki is American and Perezcano Díaz is Mexican, so even though the notice doesn't tell us this explicitly, we can figure out based on the unique panel composition procedures of the USMCA (carried over from NAFTA) -- parties must appoint a national of the other party -- that Mexico picked Kalicki and the U.S. picked Perezcano Díaz.
This is the fifth panel composed under USMCA Chapter 31 state-state dispute settlement. Here are the other panels:
- Elbio Oscar Rosselli Frieri, Chair
- Julie Bédard, appointed by the United States
- Mark C. Hansen, appointed by Canada
- Mario Matus, Chair
- Jennifer Hillman, appointed by Canada
- Donald M. McRae, appointed by the United States
- Mr. Elbio Rosselli, Chair;
- Ms. Kathleen Claussen, appointed by Canada;
- Ms. Ann Ryan Robertson, appointed by Mexico;
- Mr. Jorge Miranda, appointed by the United States;
- Mr. Donald McRae, appointed by the United States.
- Mr. Mateo Diego Fernández, Chair;
- Ms. Kathleen Claussen, appointed by Canada;
- Mr. Serge Fréchette, appointed by the United States.
The roster of panelists is here.