This is from Stanford Law School:
STANFORD LAW SCHOOL seeks to hire a teaching fellow for the LLM Program in International Economic Law, Business & Policy. The appointment is for a two-year position with the possibility of a third year by mutual agreement, beginning In August 2023.
The fellow will assume significant academic, advising and administrative responsibilities. The principal functions of the teaching fellow are to prepare and lead a colloquium on international business issues for the 15-20 students who enroll in the program annually, to advise students on their curricular choices, and to assist in the admissions and orientation process for the incoming class.
The fellow will also organize and facilitate informal workshops, outside speakers, and academic and social events, be responsible for day-to-day administrative management of the LLM program, advise and counsel LLM candidates on academic and personal issues, respond to inquiries from prospective LLM applicants, and interact with our faculty in support of the LLM program goals and needs.
The ideal candidate will be an aspiring academic with a strong interest in one or more of the core subject areas spanned by the program (including international trade, international investment law, international dispute resolution and arbitration, international business transactions and international antitrust). It is expected that the responsibilities of the teaching fellow will occupy approximately half of his or her time, with the remaining time available to pursue the fellow’s own research agenda. The fellow will have full access to the research resources of Stanford University and access to faculty workshops.
Candidates for this position are expected to have strong academic records and references. Professional experience in the area is also valuable. This position is ideally intended for an individual who expects to pursue an academic career in the field, although a firm commitment to academia is not mandatory.
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 1, 2023
See full details and instructions to apply here.