From the LAwTTIP Jean Monnet Network:
In the framework of the LAwTTIP Jean Monnet Network, the Institut de l’Ouest: Droit et Europe (IODE, UMR CNRS 6262) of the University of Rennes 1 organises the 3rd Young Researchers Workshop, dedicated to the internal and external challenges linked to the new generation of EU free trade agreements.
This workshop is conceived as a training school aiming to help young researchers and doctoral students to write and publish a scientific paper. Each participant will present his/her work during the workshop and discuss it with two senior academics playing a tutoring role.
After the workshop, the young researcher will receive appropriate advice to finalize his/her final paper. Depending on the quality of the paper and after a review by key staff members of the network, the paper will be published online as part of a dedicated issue of the LAwTTIP working paper series (
The event will start with an opening lecture given by Pr Marianne Dony.
On that occasion, a roundtable dedicated to Opinion 1/17, delivered by the Court of Justice on April 30th, will also take place.
More information is available here.