In the framework of the LAwTTIP Jean Monnet Network, the Institut de l’Ouest: Droit et Europe (IODE, UMR CNRS 6262) of the University of Rennes 1 organises the 3rd Young Researchers Workshop, dedicated to the internal and external challenges linked to the new generation of EU free trade agreements. For this occasion, the IODE issues the present call for submissions.
This four-day workshop will consist of a training school aiming to help young researchers and doctoral students to write and publish a paper. Each participant, selected on the basis of the present call for papers, which will be circulated through the network website and the Jean Monnet virtual community, will send a draft paper that will be presented during the workshop and discussed by two senior academics playing a tutoring role.
After the workshop, the young researcher will receive appropriate advice to finalize his/her final paper. Depending on the quality of the paper and after a review by key staff members of the network, the paper will be published online as part of a dedicated issue of the LAwTTIP working paper series (
The event will start with an opening lecture and close with a concluding lecture, given by distinguished scholars.
Draft papers of 3,000 to 5,000 words should be submitted in English to Pr. Isabelle BOSSE-PLATIÈRE (isabelle.bosse-platiè[email protected]), Pr. Cécile RAPOPORT ([email protected]) and Nicolas PIGEON ([email protected]) by April 1st 2019.
More information is available in the call for papers.