Presidential proclamations here and here. Canada and Mexico exempt for now. Here is the situation for other countries (from the steel proclamation):
9. In adopting this tariff, I recognize that our Nation has important security relationships with some countries whose exports of steel articles to the United States weaken our internal economy and thereby threaten to impair the national security. I also recognize our shared concern about global excess capacity, a circumstance that is contributing to the threatened impairment of the national security. Any country with which we have a security relationship is welcome to discuss with the United States alternative ways to address the threatened impairment of the national security caused by imports from that country. Should the United States and any such country arrive at a satisfactory alternative means to address the threat to the national security such that I determine that imports from that country no longer threaten to impair the national security, I may remove or modify the restriction on steel articles imports from that country and, if necessary, make any corresponding adjustments to the tariff as it applies to other countries as our national security interests require.
I've never seen anything like this. How is this process supposed to work? The White House fact sheet says this:
- The President welcomes any country with which we have a security relationship to discuss alternative ways to address our concerns, including our concerns about global excess capacity. He has left open an avenue for potentially modifying or removing a tariff under certain conditions for individual countries.
- Modification or removal of the tariffs would be possible if alternative means are agreed upon to ensure imports from a country no longer threaten to impair our national security.
- Under the direction of the President, the United States Trade Representative is responsible for negotiations with countries that seek an alternative means to the steel and aluminum tariffs.
I assume all of the affected countries will get in touch with Lighthizer. But what are they supposed to say? What are the possible "alternative means"?
And what exactly is a "security relationship." Do China and the U.S. have one in relation to North Korea?
ADDED: Presumably they have in mind voluntary restraint agreements, but is any government really willing to sign one of those these days?