The Department of Commerce has made a preliminary determination of countervailable subsidies on imports of softwood lumber from Canada. This is from the fact sheet:
Commerce calculated preliminary subsidy rates for five mandatory respondents: for Canfor Corporation, 20.26 percent; for J.D. Irving, Limited, 3.02 percent; for Resolute FP Canada, Ltd., 12.82 percent; for Tolko Marketing and Sales Ltd. and Tolko Industries Ltd., 19.50 percent; and, for West Fraser Mills, Ltd., 24.12 percent. Commerce established a preliminary subsidy rate of 19.88 percent for all other producers/exporters in Canada.
Before anybody panics, keep in mind there was a preliminary determination on subsidized Canadian lumber back in August 2001, where DOC calculated a single country-wide subsidy rate of 19.31%. So, while there are a lot of possible upcoming trade actions by the Trump administration to worry about, this one seems to be the usual, routine kind of trade remedy action. Not that I support this sort of thing, of course, but it's part of the system.