Some details on an upcoming conference on mega-regionals:
On 23rd and 24th October 2014 the Research Centre for International Economic Law at the University of Dresden led by Professor Thilo Rensmann and the affiliated research project “Global TranSAXion” will be hosting a conference on “Mega-Regionals and the Future of International Trade and Investment Law”.
The conference offers a forum to discuss the content and structure of the preferential trade agreements currently under negotiation between some of the world’s major trading partners. The main focus is on the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
CETA, TTIP and TPP reflect a novel approach to global trade relations by virtue of their economic impact, broad sectoral coverage and provisions on investor-state dispute settlement. International scholars and practitioners will discuss these developments and their policy-implications from both an international trade and investment law perspective. Issues addressed by the panels include:
- Structural implications for the international economic order
- Democratic legitimacy
- Investment protection
- Energy governance and the Green Economy
- Innovation and IP protection
- Novel regulatory areas
The conference language will be English. For a detailed programme, see here.
Further information about the conference, the registration and the venue can be found at
Speaking of mega-regionals and the future of trade law, this seems like a good opportunity to plug my recent article entitled "The TPP and the Future of Trade Agreements".