Just a heads up about a very interesting on-going project that Gabrielle Marceau is working on. http://www.youtube.com/thewtocreation .
As described at the website itself:
This project began as a tribute to Ambassador Paul Trân Van Thinh on the occasion of his 80th birthday. We set out to retrace, through interviews with friends and colleagues, Paul Trân's exceptional journey. Paul Trân, who served as Ambassador of Europe to the GATT, not only impacted those who worked alongside him, but played an instrumental role in the crucial GATT years that eventually gave birth to the World Trade Organization (WTO). While the individuals interviewed offer rich accounts of Paul Trân's work and the mark he left on Europe, they also share their thoughts and insights on the global vision that paved the way for today's WTO.
The production of this historical documentary has been welcomed by the WTO and GATT community. The contributions of the ambassadors and ministers who worked on the finalization of the Uruguay Round, and the creation of the WTO, can offer valuable lessons for the ongoing effort to liberalize trade, an issue of truly global concern.
The participants were all asked to respond to a similar set of questions, touching upon such important issues as the institutional architecture of the WTO, tensions between industrialized and developing countries, as well as liberalization of key sectors such as agriculture, textiles and services.
At the moment the clips are limited by youtube to the usual short length, but an autonomous website is being created and more interviews are being added. But, in the meantime, it is well worth checking out – and likely to be a great resource for trade law classes.
Thanks to Gabrielle for putting it together.