Nothing that important, but a couple things of note.
First, Boeing has provided a nice breakdown of the findings for each measure. We often do this in our DSC, but they've saved us the trouble. (I assume they got it right, but have not double-checked).
Second, I'm curious as to what was going on in fn. 7 of the report:
On 28 February 2006, the Panel had received an unsolicited communication from an individual. The communication addressed a question that is not an aspect of the matter within the Panel's terms of reference. The Panel therefore found it inappropriate to consider that communication and has rejected it.
Third, apparently things got a little testy between the parties:
6.4 The European Communities notes that the term "EC" is used in the Interim Report when referring to the European Communities, while the term "United States", which the European Communities describes as a "full reference", is used when referring to the United States of America. In light of this, the European Communities requests the Panel to replace the term "EC" by the term "European Communities" in all instances where the European Communities is mentioned or used as a noun, referring in support to a footnote in its answers to the Panel's questions filed 30 April 2007, which states "{t}he European Communities would also ask the Panel to avoid adopting the irritating US habit of systematically abbreviating the European Communities to "EC"."1464
6.5 The United States did not comment on this aspect of the European Communities' request.
Finally, if you're looking for some substance, the discussion of "pass-through" and related issues in paras. 7.178-289 is pretty interesting. I'm not sure yet what I think of it all.