Krzysztof Pelc, 'Eluding Efficiency: Why Do We Not See More Efficient Breach at the WTO?'
Highly Commended
Lisa Hemingway, 'What's in a Turn? A Critique of Proceduralism within the WTO'
Catharina Koops, 'Manipulating the WTO? The Possibilities for Challenging Undervalued Currencies under WTO Rules'Shortlisted
Michael Fakhri, 'Reconstruing the WTO Legitimacy Debates Towards Notions of Development'
Anastasios Gourgourinis, 'One Standard to Rule Them All: The International Minimum Standard of Treatment vis-à-vis Equitable Standards of Treatment for Foreign Traders/Investors under WTO and Investment Protection Law'
Ruth Kelly, 'EU and US Non-Reciprocal Preferences: Preserving the Acquis'
John Siwiec, 'Countermeasures and International Investment Law: Mexico's Sweeteners Disputes Under NAFTA'