I can't figure out what to make of Twitter. Is this really the next big thing? In case it is, a little while ago I went ahead and used the RSS feeds for our news service and this blog to create a Twitter feed. (I think this is "cheating," in a sense -- I don't really "tweet" anything, but rather just pass along outside items which then get tweeted). The result is here: http://twitter.com/worldtradelaw
I wasn't really sure what to expect from doing this, but to my great surprise, we now have 216 "followers"! However, this figure may not be as impressive as it sounds. I've noticed that a decent number of these are either 1) porn sites hoping to get themselves noticed, or 2) people who give advice about how to get more twitter followers.
Having said that, there is some good trade law-related twittering going on, with some actual postings rather than just feeding from other sources like we do. For those trade lawyers who want to check out twitter for the first time, I recommend the following as a good starting point:
John Boscariol of McCarthy Tetrault, twittering as tradelawyer
Lawrence Friedman of Barnes Richardson, twittering as customslawblog
Martha Harrison of Heenan Blaikie, twittering as intltradelawyer
Doug Jacobson of Sandler, Travis and Rosenberg, twittering as tradelawnews
And Inside U.S. trade, twittering as insidetrade
(Apologies if I missed anyone -- feel free to add other trade law twitterers in the comments to this post).