This looks like it could be an interesting job for someone:
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) seeks a Research Manager for the International Trade and Finance Section within the Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. CRS provides confidential, nonpartisan, and authoritative legislative research analysis and information service to the U.S. Congress. Working directly with Members of Congress and congressional committees on public policy issues, CRS staff contribute to an informed national legislature as it considers policy issues of importance to the American people.
The Research Manager leads the International Trade and Finance Section in the development of approaches to research and policy analysis relevant to congressional needs. Duties include ensuring that the work results in objective, authoritative analysis with which the Congress can assess the consequences of legislative/policy options; monitoring congressional requests, concerns and needs in policy areas within the research management responsibility of the section; collaborating with other managers to ensure an integrative approach to the work by fully identifying significant policy problems facing the Congress, developing analytical approaches to address these problems and applying appropriate resources; and performing special assignments as directed by the Assistant/Deputy Assistant Director.