From Jonathan Dingel:
The US nominal average ad valorem tariff rate for (12 Days of) Christmas this year, which I calculated using the handy Harmonized (Tariff) Christmas schedule, is only 1.9%. I assume that Santa has MFN status.
Drums 4.8%
Pipes 0%
Milking machines 0%
Swans 1.8%
Geese $.02/kg
Golden rings 5.5%
Calling birds 1.8%
French hens $.02/kg
Turtle doves 1.8%
Partridge 1.8%
Pear tree 0%
This is all about goods. What about the services involved, e.g., pipers piping? I guess I can understand not wanting to sort through the GATS Schedules. Goods are much easier.
And from
Every family should have a Christmas light display like the one depicted in this YouTube video. And H.R. 4502 means to help you do that. The bill would temporarily suspended the duty on certain Christmas tree lamps.
According to this report from the United States International Trade Commission, there are about $557,000-worth of incandescent Christmas tree lamps imported into the U.S. each year. (LEDs are a different product, and strings of lights are classified as “Christmas tree lighting sets.”) The overwhelming majority of Christmas tree lamps are imported from China.
The duty on Christmas lights is 5.8%, which means that Americans spent $32,000 more on Christmas lights than they had to last year.