A while back I mentioned that Bangladesh was accusing India of subsidizing sugar and "dumping" it abroad. Now others are asking questions as well:
Leading global sugar producers have joined hands and approached the WTO, asking the multilateral body to seek details from India on subsidy to exporters at a time when the country is set to double the sweetener exports.
The World Trade Organisation has asked India to furnish full details of the "subsidy" announced recently for its sugar exporters, after Australia and Thailand took the issue to WTO in Geneva.
The issue of India giving subsidy to its sugar exporters was discussed at the meeting of the WTO Agricultural Committee in Geneva on November 21 where New Delhi was asked to respond to Australia and Thailand, leading producers and exporters of sweetener in the international market.
"Australia and Thailand sought information and clarification, which India said it would supply shortly," the WTO said.
ADDED: India says its measures are "WTO-compliant."