It has been a slow year for the Appellate Body. Up until last week, there had been just two notices of appeal filed, and those were back in January and February. But now they finally have something to do, as two appeals were filed in the past week. First came Japan's appeal in the Japan - DRAMS CVDs case: Then a couple days later came the EC's appeal in the Brazil - Tyres case: On the latter, the EC technically "won" the case before the panel, as Brazil was found in violation. But based on the panel's reasoning, it seemed possible for Brazil to implement in a way that would not help EC exporters much. The Tyres case has a lot of potentially interesting issues in it, such as the status of an exemption for Mercosur countries under WTO rules. However, the extent to which these issues get addressed depends on how much "judicial economy" the Appellate Body decides to exercise.