Appellate Body to host session in the Public Forum 2007 on the impact of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism
The session will examine the role of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism in the multilateral trading system and, more generally, in the broader context of the deepening and specialization of international law. The participants will be:
Chair: Mr. Giorgio Sacerdoti, Chairman of the Appellate Body
Panelists: Ms. Merit Janow, Member, Appellate Body
Mr. Georges Abi-Saab, Member, Appellate Body
H.E. Mr. Bruce Gosper, Chairman of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body and Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to the WTO
Professor Joel Trachtman, Fletcher School, Tufts University.
The session will take place on Thursday, 4 October 2007, from 1615 to 1815 hrs, at the WTO headquarters in Geneva.
The Public Forum is open to all interested individuals. Further information about the Public Forum and instructions on how to register are available at the following website: