Back in April of 2017, I said this:
while the indicative list of panelists does not have much correlation to people who actually serve as panelists, a former intern of mine named Christina Woo put together this cool table of Americans on the indicative list since the GATT era. The Obama administration never appointed anyone, and the list has kind of been frozen in time. Will the Trump administration take a look at this?
Looking at the latest version of the WTO's indicative list of panelists (the roster), there have been no changes. I know the Biden administration is likely to spend a lot of its WTO dispute settlement energy on the Appellate Body, but is it possible they would also think about updating the Americans on the panelist roster?
Also, for subscribers, we now have data on whether panelists on completed panels were on the roster. Where the panelists were appointed by the DG, 140 were on the roster, whereas 307 were not on the roster. Where the panelists were agreed by the parties, 57 were on the roster, whereas 153 were not on the roster.
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