The Canadian government is looking for Canadians and non-Canadians to be on their international trade and investment dispute rosters (application details at the link):
Members (appointment to roster), International Trade and International Investment Dispute Settlement Bodies
Appointment Opportunities
We know that our country is stronger — and our government more effective — when decision-makers reflect Canada's diversity. The Government of Canada will use an appointment process that is transparent and merit-based, strives for gender parity, and ensures that Indigenous peoples and minority groups are properly represented in positions of leadership. We will continue to search for Canadians who reflect the values that we all embrace: inclusion, honesty, fiscal prudence, and generosity of spirit. Together, we will build a government as diverse as Canada.
The Government of Canada is currently seeking applications from diverse and talented Canadians from across the country who are interested in the following positions, as well as applications from non-Canadians for some of the following positions:
Members (appointment to roster)
International Trade and International Investment Dispute Settlement Bodies
A number of international trade and investment agreements to which Canada is a party provide for the establishment of rosters of persons available to serve on dispute settlement bodies. Should a dispute arise under the agreement, individuals from the roster are named to the dispute settlement body through a process specified in the relevant agreement to determine the dispute in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.
At this time, Government of Canada is seeking applicants for appointment to rosters for the following bodies:
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
NAFTA Chapter 20 (General State to State) Roster: This roster is established pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 2009 of NAFTAand is used to constitute panels that determine disputes covered by Chapter 20 of that Agreement. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of up to 30 nominees (10 from each Party to NAFTA). A nominee is appointed by consensus of NAFTA Parties for a term of three years and may be reappointed. The Government of Canada is thus seeking 10 appointees to this roster.
NAFTA Chapter 19 (Trade Remedies) Roster: This roster is established pursuant to paragraph 1 of Annex 1901.2 of NAFTA and is used to constitute panels that determine disputes covered by Chapter 19 of that Agreement. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of at least 75 nominees (at least 25 from each NAFTA Party). The Government of Canada is thus seeking at least 25 appointees to this roster and is anticipating that appointees will serve a term of five years with the possibility of reappointment.
NAFTA Chapter 19 Extraordinary Challenge Committee (ECC) Roster: This roster is established pursuant to Annex 1904.13 of NAFTA and is used to appoint a Committee that reviews decisions made by panels under NAFTA Chapter 19. The Chapter provides for a roster of up to 15 individuals (five from each NAFTA Party). The Government of Canada is thus seeking five appointees to this roster and is anticipating that appointees will serve a term of five years with the possibility of reappointment.
NAFTA Chapter 14 (Financial Services) Roster: This roster is established pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 1414 of NAFTA and is used to constitute panels that determine disputes covered by Chapter 14 of that Agreement. The Chapter provides for a roster of up to 15 individuals (five from each NAFTA Party). A nominee is appointed by consensus of NAFTA Parties for a term of three years and may be reappointed. The Government of Canada is thus seeking five appointees to this roster.
NAFTA Article 2022 Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes: This body is created pursuant to Article 2022 of NAFTA and submits reports and makes recommendations to the NAFTA Free Trade Commission on the availability, use and effectiveness of arbitration and other procedures for the resolution of private international disputes in the NAFTA region. The Committee comprises up to 10 members from each NAFTA Party, up to two of whom may be officials representing the Party and up to eight of whom may be selected from outside the Government. Each NAFTA Party appoints its own members of the Committee and establishes terms for their appointment. The Government of Canada is thus seeking approximately eight appointees to this Committee and is anticipating that they will serve a term of three years, with the possibility of reappointment.
Further details about the North American Free Trade Agreement can be found on the website of Global Affairs Canada.
International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
ICSID Panel of Arbitrators: This is a roster to which Canada may designate up to four individuals pursuant to Article 13(1) of the ICSID Convention. Designated individuals may be selected by the Secretary-General of ICSID to serve on a tribunal in a dispute that does not involve Canada or Canadian investors. Designated individuals need not be nationals of the state designating them. Designates serve a term of six years and may be reappointed. The Government of Canada is thus seeking four appointees to this roster.
ICSID Panel of Conciliators:This is a roster to which Canada may designate up to four individuals pursuant to Article 13(1) of the ICSID Convention. Designated individuals need not be nationals of the state designating them. Designates serve a term of six years and may be reappointed. The Government of Canada is thus seeking four appointees to this roster.
Further details about the agreement can be found on the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute’s website.
Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA)
CCRFTA Article XIII.9 (General State to State) Roster: This is a roster created by Article XIII.9 of the CCRFTA that may be used to constitute panels that determine disputes covered by Chapter XIII of that Agreement. The roster established by the Parties to the CCRFTA may include up to 20 individuals, at least five of whom are not citizens of Canada or Costa Rica. Consequently, in addition to Canadians, the Government of Canada is actively seeking applications from those who would meet this citizenship requirement. Individuals are named to the roster on the agreement of the Parties for a term of three years and reappointed to a second term unless a Party disagrees. The Government of Canada is thus seeking approximately 10-15 appointees to this roster, including appointees who are not citizens of Canada or Costa Rica.
Further details about the Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement can be found on the website of Global Affairs Canada.
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) - Anticipatory
CETA Chapter 29 (General State to State) Roster – Anticipatory: Following provisional application of this provision, this roster will be established pursuant to Article 29.8 of CETA and will be used to constitute arbitral panels to determine disputes covered by Chapter 29 of the Agreement. Chapter 29 applies to any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of CETA, except as otherwise provided. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of at least 15 nominees: five from each Party to CETA and five who are not nationals of either Party who could serve as chair of an arbitral panel. An individual is appointed to the roster by the CETA Joint Committee. CETA does not provide for a set term of appointment to a roster. The Government of Canada is seeking approximately 8-10 appointees to this roster, including appointees who are not citizens or permanent residents of either Canada or any EU member state.
CETA Chapter 13 (Financial Services) Roster – Anticipatory: Following provisional application of this provision, this roster will be established by Article 13.20 of CETA and will be used to constitute arbitral panels to determine disputes arising under Chapter 13 of the Agreement. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of at least 15 nominees: five from each Party to CETA and five who are not nationals of either Party who could serve as chair of an arbitral panel. An individual is appointed to the roster by the CETA Joint Committee. CETA does not provide for a set term of appointment to a roster. The Government of Canada is seeking approximately 8-10 appointees to this roster, including appointees who are not citizens or permanent residents of either Canada or any EU member state.
CETA Chapter 23 (Trade and Labour) Roster – Anticipatory: Following provisional application of this provision, this roster will be established by Article 23.10 of CETA and will be used to constitute expert panels to examine matters arising under Chapter 23 of the Agreement. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of at least nine nominees: each Party is to name three nominees and the Parties are to agree on naming three nominees who are not nationals of either Party who could serve as chairperson of a panel of experts. An individual is appointed to the roster by the Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development established by CETA. CETA does not provide for a set term of appointment to a roster. The Government of Canada is seeking approximately 3-5 appointees to this roster, including appointees who are not citizens or permanent residents of either Canada or any EU member state.
CETA Chapter 24 (Trade and Environment) Roster – Anticipatory: Following provisional application of this provision, this roster will be established by Article 24.15 of CETA and will be used to constitute expert panels to examine matters arising under Chapter 24 of the Agreement. The Chapter provides for the establishment of a roster of at least nine nominees: each Party is to name three nominees and the Parties are to agree on naming three nominees who are not nationals of either Party who could serve as chairperson of a panel of experts. An individual is appointed to the roster by the Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development established by CETA. CETA does not provide for a set term of appointment to a roster. The Government of Canada is seeking approximately 3-5 appointees to this roster, including appointees who are not citizens or permanent residents of either Canada or any EU member state.
Further details about the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement can be found on the website of Global Affairs Canada.