Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine was interviewed on CNN about his position on the TPP:
Kaine also denied he had changed his stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, insisting that he has not "shifted my position on that."
Kaine voted to grant President Barack Obama fast-track authority to negotiate TPP and praised aspects of the deal, but said Friday morning that he was still concerned about an issue he raised initially with TPP: "The right of corporations to challenge unfair trade practices in private courts," without giving labor unions the same rights."It's been a year and nobody has given me a reason why we should embrace a trade deal," he said.
Watch the video at the link for the full picture, but the quotes above are pretty reflective of his answer, which is that it's not OK to let investors sue governments directly through ISDS without giving labor and environmental groups the same right.
So here's my question. Would Kaine (and Clinton) only support the TPP if ISDS is taken out? Or would they only support TPP if labor and environmental groups had the right to sue governments directly as well?