The American Society of International Law International Economic Interest Group is now accepting papers for its Biennial Conference, which will take place September 30, 2016 - October 1, 2016 at Georgetown University Law Center. This is from the call for papers:
I. Overall Concept and Themes Overall theme:
Making International Economic Law Work: Integrating Disciplines and Broadening Policy Choices
We welcome paper proposals relating to the conference theme, or aspects thereof. One objective of this conference is to transcend the traditional trade, investment, finance and private ordering silos. We accordingly seek proposals that focus on cross-cutting issues.
From a research agenda perspective, we hope to foster a reflection on what international economic law as a discipline might look like when research focuses on the reality of blurred boundaries between the traditional fields of trade, investment, finance and monetary law.
From a policy perspective, we hope to explore the implications of legal imports from one field into another, how legal and policy options might be expanded in the face of converging trade, investment and financial law, as well as through emerging private and public-private sorts of ordering. Because the blurring boundaries have created challenges as well as opportunities, we also look forward to proposals identifying chasms and tensions that need to be addressed.
We encourage submissions on all aspects of international economic law, including those that do not focus on cross-cutting issues. The themes listed below are illustrative only and non-exhaustive. If your paper fits within one or more of these themes, please make a note of it in your proposal.
Illustrative Themes:
- Cross-fertilization opportunities between trade, tax, monetary and finance law: How does monetary law impact trade and finance, and vice-versa?
- Soft law in international economic law: Are there lessons to be drawn from financial regulation for trade and investment?
- How does regionalism shape and challenge international economic law?
- Dispute resolution in the face of trade and investment treaty convergence: What are the opportunities and challenges raised by recent innovations? Is a unified system possible or desirable?
- International economic law and systemic risk
- Public-private partnerships in international economic law
II. Paper and Panel Proposal Submission
The deadline for paper proposal submissions is June 24, 2016.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and please indicate when you anticipate completion of the paper and whether the paper has been accepted for publication or has been published. If applicable, please indicate place of (anticipated) publication and date.
Please also provide a CV or resume, your current affiliation and whether you are a member of the IEcLIG.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and decisions will be issued on August 1, 2016.
We also invite panel proposals, particularly relating to the illustrative themes above.
Please indicate, in no more than 500 words, the approach, anticipated content and format of the panel, proposed speakers with their affiliation and their field of expertise.
The deadline for panel proposal submissions is June 24, 2016.
Please note that panel proposals may be combined or amended by the conference organizers to take into account the range of submissions. Invitations will be issued on August 1, 2016. Papers will be due on September 4, 2016 for dissemination to other panelists, moderators and conference participants in advance of the event.
Materials should be sent to [email protected]