The DSB agreed with the Chairman’s proposal for appointment/reappointment of Appellate Body members. In particular, it agreed to launch a selection process for one position in the Appellate Body to replace Ms Yuejiao Zhang, whose second four-year term of office will expire on 31 May 2016. Consistent with the procedures set out in the DSB rules and with previous selection processes, it agreed to establish a Selection Committee composed of the Director-General and the 2016 Chairpersons of the General Council, the Goods Council, the Services Council, the TRIPS Council and the DSB, to be chaired by the DSB Chair.
There was agreement to set a deadline of 15 March 2016 at 6 pm for members to submit nominations of candidates, and to request the Selection Committee to carry out its work in April/May 2016 in order to make a recommendation to the DSB by no later than 12 May 2016 so that the DSB can take a decision to appoint a new Appellate Body member at its regular meeting scheduled for 23 May 2016.
So which countries will be campaigning for this slot? Is there a China slot on the Appellate Body?