Russia wants further interpretation of GATT Article XXI to be on the post-Nairobi agenda:
Interpretation and Implementation of Security Exceptions provided in the Multilateral Trade Agreements
1.5. With reference to the "Decision Concerning Article XXI of the General Agreement" adopted by the CONTRACTING PARTIES on November 30, 1982 and with the view to ensure clarity and predictability of implementation of Security Exceptions Provisions of the WTO Agreements1 Members shall develop a General Council decision on joint understanding on the interpretation of the scope of the rights and obligations of the WTO Members under these Provisions. With this in mind the Members shall engage in negotiations and the General Council shall take the decision on interpretation of the said Provisions pursuant to Article IX:2 of the Marrakesh Agreement by 1 June 2016. To this end, the negotiations shall focus on identification of circumstances when application of the measures pursuant to Security Exceptions is justified, as well as provision of specific transparency requirements and possible retaliatory measures.
1 Such as GATT Article XXI, GATS Article XIV bis, TRIPS Article 73, TRIMS Article 3, Import Licensing Agreement Article 1.10, TFA Article 24.7.
Needless to say, getting agreement here will be quite a challenge.