This is from Inside U.S. Trade:
Indonesia’s Ambassador to the World Trade Organization Iman Pambagyo last week signaled that a win for an Australian law requiring plain packaging of cigarettes as an anti-smoking measure could lead his country to introduce a similar measure for alcoholic beverages.
No law on plain packaging for alcoholic products is currently being developed because of Indonesia's challenge in the DSB, according to Pambagyo.
But he said a WTO win for Australia on this issue would leave the door open for the Indonesian government to expand plain packaging to alcoholic products without needing to justify that the law would advance the legitimate objective of protecting against moral hazards.
I'm more convinced than ever that there is a market for "Plain Package" brand products. Every item would have a single color on the package, with very simple font. Think of all the money you'd save on printing and design costs! And the phrase "plain package" is in the news so often, everyone would be familiar with it.