Dear Colleagues
In the coming days you will see that has been redesigned. In addition to a more contemporary look, over the coming months I am planning to expand site content to include different types of international investment law cases. With the support of Investor-State Law Guide (ISLG) to cover basic operating costs, will continue to provide free, public and comprehensive access to international investment law jurisprudence.
I am seeking expressions of interests from lawyers and academics with a knowledge of international investment law who would like to serve as Associate Editors Associate editors will work with me to add content to and contribute to the goal of making a comprehensive database of international investment law jurisprudence. Associate Editors positions are unpaid, but your work as an Associate Editor will be recognized on There is also an opportunity to provide a contribution to ISLG, which will be expanding its editorial staff in conjunction with content expansion. At this point, I am seeking three to six Associate Editors to work with me, each of whom would be willing commit to working on the site for two years.
With the help of student research assistants, the current plan is to expand’s coverage in summer 2015 to include all ICSID cases, including cases arising under contracts and foreign investment laws. The next priority will be to add the most commonly cited investment-related jurisprudence of other international tribunals including the International Court of Justice, the Iran–United Claims Tribunal, Claims Commissions and institutional and ad hoc international arbitration tribunals. In addition, new data fields are being added for outcome, amount of damages, economic sector and counsel.
If you are interested in working as an Associate Editor with, please email me at[email protected] to express your interest, attaching a copy of your resume.
There are still a few bugs to be worked out as the transition occurs to the new platform. Some of the existing case data still needs to be migrated to the new site. I hope this process will be complete within two weeks. If you have any suggestions for improvements to or encounter any problems, please let me know by email at [email protected].
Yours sincerely
Andrew Newcombe