From the The Canadian Council on International Law:
Combustion: Energy, Resources and Environmental Issues Igniting International Law
November 13-15, 2014 - Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Council on International Law is pleased to announce its 43rd Annual Conference: "Combustion: Energy, Resources, and Environmental Issues Igniting International Law". Practitioners and legal scholars are invited to submit paper and presentation proposals relating to the theme of energy, natural resources, and related environmental issues.
At a time when environmental degradation and the supply of energy are of increasing global concern, international law provides an opportunity for rules-based multilateralism. What is the role of international law in the promotion of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility? Is international law an influential tool to address climate change? What lessons can be gleaned from twenty years of arbitration under the North American Free Trade Agreement and Energy Charter Treaty?
The 2014 Annual Conference will explore the role of international law in global energy transactions, resource extraction and environmental issues. In particular, it will foster discussion of the international economic, humanitarian, and human rights facets of this theme. Topics will include but are not limited to the arbitration of mining and energy disputes, the role of the private sector in sustainable development, civil and criminal liability in the extractive industries, and the illegal wildlife trade. Confirmed speakers include representatives from the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, various UN agencies, and leading global law firms.
The Conference invites the active participation of practitioners, academics, and students in the international legal community. Paper proposals or summaries of proposed presentations in English or French should be no longer than a single page in length and should include a biographical statement or curriculum vitae. Proposals are due June 9, 2014 and should be sent to [email protected] with "Annual Conference Call for Papers" in the subject line.