... is here: http://www.tradejustice.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/CETA-Draft-Investment-Text-Nov21-2013-203b-13.pdf
It's fascinating, in a lot of different ways. Read it and enjoy, if you like this sort of thing. I'll mention some personal highlights based on a quick skim:
-- it doesn't apply to financial services (Article X.2)
-- it has a whole "market access" section that looks like GATS XVI (Article X.4). Do other investment treaties have this?
-- its fair and equitable treatment provisions are very detailed and specific, but seem to leave things open for the broad, traditional coverage (although I may be missing some nuance here) (Article X.9)
-- it has GATT Article XX-type exceptions (see Article X: General exceptions, on p. 20). But the EU bracketed comment suggests they would not apply to "treatment of investors" and expropriation.
More later, perhaps.