Canada's is here; Norway's is here.
It's hard to predict how these appeals will go. What issues will the AB focus on? How much of the panel's findings will the AB revise? Maybe the oral hearing will give us an indication.
In the meantime, here are two issues -- one from each appeal -- that struck me as interesting. First, from Canada:
Canada also requests the Appellate Body to find that the Panel acted inconsistently with Article 11 of the DSU in relation to its findings under Article XX(a) by failing to make an objective assessment of the facts by not taking into account evidence relating to animal welfare standards in the European Union, including standards applied to other wild animal hunts and commercial abattoirs.
That was one part of the panel report that surprised me. I expected a lot more discussion of how the treatment of seals compares to the treatment of other animals.
Second, from Norway:
The Panel erred in interpreting and applying sub-paragraph (a) of Article XX because it examined whether the EU Seal Regime as a whole was provisionally justified under that provision, whereas it was required, but failed, to consider whether the specific aspects of the measure that give rise to violations of substantive provisions of the GATT 1994 could fall under, and be provisionally justified by, sub-paragraph (a). ...
At this point, I'm a little uncertain about which aspect of the measure the AB would like to see examined under the Article XX sub-paragraphs. This appeal may give the AB a chance to clarify.