With Simon's permission, I wanted to let you know about two calls for candidates we have in Geneva:
1. A 50% job, to help me run and supervise the Trade & Investment Law Clinic at the Graduate Institute, and to set up a new, related internet platform www.tradelab.org (Trade & Investment Legal Advisory Broker).
http://graduateinstitute.ch/ctei/projects/global_law.html (click on "call for candidates")
2. Funding for Phd students / junior researchers (less than 5 years of research, including Phd research time), to spend 3 months to 1.5 years in Geneva (anywhere between summer 2013 and spring 2015) as a paid www.dissettle.org fellow. This allows you to work on, and receive training in, how to make better use of economics in international trade or investment disputes.