From last night's State of the Union speech by President Obama:
tonight, I am announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union
I was skeptical that this would ever happen, but now it seems to be happening. It should be interesting to watch, however it turns out.
I'll say something about the substance at some point, but for now we need a name for these negotiations, preferably a catchy acronym. TAFTA is not bad. But the actual title used by Obama doesn't mention "free trade," and ends up with TTIP, which is not all that great. Or if you throw in "Atlantic," you get TATIP, which is no better.
Getting a little creative, you could go with the Trade and Investment Partnership with Europe, or EuroTRIP, which may be how U.S. negotiators are thinking about it.
Other suggestions are welcome!