From my friends at the JIEL:
Editorial Assistant Position with the Journal of International Economic Law (JIEL)
Professor John H. Jackson, University Professor of Law at Georgetown Law Center, is currently collecting recommendations or applications from persons who might wish to take on the position of Editorial Assistant to the Journal of International Economic Law (JIEL). JIEL is a highly influential academic and professional journal dedicated to encouraging thoughtful and scholarly attention to a broad range of subjects which concern the relation of law to international economic activity. The Journal is published on a quarterly basis by Oxford University Press.
The position of Editorial Assistant is half-time (generally, 15-20 hours/week) for approximately one year, beginning in August (or earlier, subject to individual circumstances). Individuals who have undertaken this role have usually pursued their own research (such as a thesis), or performed the role in conjunction with work towards an LL.M. degree at Georgetown University Law Center or another institution, with part-time devoted to the Editorial Assistant position. There is no rigid policy concerning these formats.
Compensation is provided at the prevailing rates established for Research Assistants by Georgetown University Law Center.
Professor Jackson would be grateful to receive recommendations or indications of interest from outstanding students or professionals with exceptionally good English writing and comprehension abilities, including knowledge and background in international economic law subjects, particularly the World Trade Organization (WTO). A letter of inquiry or application (with references) including a C.V. can be sent directly to Professor Jackson at the JIEL’s e-mail address: [email protected].
Further background information concerning the Journal of International Economic Law may be found at