All of you academics out there are probably familiar with MOOCs by now -- Massive Open Online Courses. Both the NY Times and Washington Post had articles on them this past week-end, if you need some background.
I'm excited about the concept, and I'm in the process of writing about them for Cato. I'll post about it here when the paper is ready.
In the meantime, though, I've been wondering which enterprising IEL scholar will create the first MOOC in our field. Here's an incentive for you, from the Times article:
Dr. Stavens sees a day when MOOCs will disrupt how faculty are attracted, trained and paid, with the most popular “compensated like a TV actor or a movie actor.” He adds that “students will want to learn from whoever is the best teacher.”
Who will be the star teachers of IEL? No doubt there will be a first mover advantage. The time to start is now!