From the International Economic Law Interest Group (IEcLIG) of American Society of International Law (ASIL) and Suffolk University School of Law:
Post - Crisis International Financial Regulation: Fragmentation, Harmonization and Coordination
December 2, 2011
Suffolk University School of Law
Continental Breakfast
General Introduction: Elizabeth Trujillo, Suffolk University School of Law, Co-Vice Chair, IEcLIG
Welcome Remarks: Dean Camille A. Nelson, Suffolk University School of Law
9:15- 10:45
Panel 1: International Financial Regulation in a Time of Crisis: The Big Picture
Moderator: Professor Kathleen Engel, Suffolk Law School
- Pierre Verdier, University of Virginia School of Law, “Why Regulate International Finance”
- David Zaring, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, “Domestic and International Reform”
- Juscelino F. Colares, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, “Trade Imbalances and Liquidity-Induced Bubbles: Replacing the View of Trade and Finance Flows as a Morality Play with Concrete International Monetary Reform Proposals”
Coffee break
Panel 2: Institutional Responses to Financial Crisis: Regional and Domestic Perspectives
Moderator: Claire Kelly, Brooklyn Law School, Co-Chair, IEcLIG
- Christop Henkel, Mississippi College School of Law & Wulf Kaal, University of Saint Thomas University School of Law “Taking Contingent Capital Seriously”
- Andromachi Georgosouli, School of Law, University of Leicester, “Post-Crisis Financial Regulation And the Pursuit of Policy Coherence”
- Stephen Kingah, UN University, Belgium, “How Regional and Global Development Banks Responded”
Lunch: Keynote Speech by Joel Trachtman, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
Panel 3: Institutional Responses to Financial Crisis: Global Perspectives
Moderator: Professor Jason Yackee, University of Wisconsin School of Law (Madison), Co-Vice Chair, IEcLIG
- Jennifer Welch, Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, “The Financial Crisis in the European Union”
- Monique Egli Costi, Former New Zealand Securities Commission/Financial Markets Authority, Head of International Affairs, “The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)”
- Hanna Boeckmann, Fellow, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University School of Law, “The Financial Sector Surveillance after the Crisis”
- Panagiotis Delimatsis, Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), Tilburg University, “Financial Innovation and Prudential Regulation: The New Basel III Rules”
Closing Remarks: Sungjoon Cho, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Co-Chair, IEcLIG
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