From the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand:
The American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand (AMCHAM) plans on conducting a symposium in the latter part of 2011 on plurilateral and bilateral FTAs generally and the challenges Thailand will likely face meeting its AFTA obligations by 2015 specifically. As part of this symposium, AMCHAM would like to have a recognized international trade law specialist (knowledgeable about RTAs, etc.) present at this symposium. There is little international expertise on the ground in Thailand (at least in the private bar) in this area, and AMCHAM is looking for speakers with substantial and recognized experience on international trade agreements, who can speak to the subject of trade agreements generally. Although AMCHAM does not pay for airfare, accommodations or any other expenses, this could represent an excellent client development opportunity for any lawyer practicing in this area. If there are any lawyers with expertise in this area who are willing to speak to this subject and who will be travelling through Thailand in the latter part of 2011, kindly let the head of AMCHAM’s Legal Committee (Douglas Mancill) know, by sending him an email at [email protected].