Washington and Lee University School of Law and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) cordially invite you to attend the Joint Symposium on International Investment Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The purpose of the Joint Symposium is to explore the prevention and management of investment treaty conflict.
The Joint Symposium on International Investment and ADR will occur in two phases, which are designed to develop and build upon each other. The initial phase of the Joint Symposium will occur through this internet site. We hope that the Symposium’s website can begin to act as a central repository for information about the intersection of international investment law and ADR. We invite you to explore this website and contact us with suggestions about ways to enhance its capacity.
The second phase of the Joint Symposium will occur at Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, Virginia on March 29, 2010. We will be welcoming experts from around the globe to discuss fundamental issues about the efficient prevention and management of investment treaty conflict.
This all looks great. They've got some podcasts, a research library, and much more. Check it out!