From the CEPMLP:
Dear Friends,
We are now formally launching the search to seek a Professor of International Law to replace the late Professor Thomas Walde. Those of you who read The Economist or the UK’s Times Higher Education will have seen the notices.
We are deliberately keeping the field of specialisation wide, and have therefore just stipulated that the candidate should be a leading scholar or scholar/practitioner in one or more fields of International Law relating to CEPMLP’s activities.
Full details are available at:
The closing date is 31st March 2009.
Given the importance to CEPMLP of this appointment, I would be very grateful if you could draw this opportunity to the attention of any person whom you feel may be qualified and interested. They may contact me informally by email if they wish to learn more about the post or about CEPMLP.
If you yourself have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes
Philip Andrews-Speed
Professor of Energy Policy
Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy