As many of you may know, one of our most distinguished colleagues, Thomas Walde, sadly passed away on October 13 at his vacation residence in France .
The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (Russ Bleemer, Editor, Alternatives) posted the obituary below:
An International ADR Legend Has Died (Oct. 14).
Tributes poured out today worldwide to mark the sudden passing of an ADR legend.
Thomas W. Walde, a professor at the University of Dundee < <> > in Dundee, Scotland, and an expert in energy law conflict resolution processes, died after falling at his home in Southern France on Sunday.
Walde was born and educated in Germany , and received an LL.M. from Harvard Law. He moved on to the United Nations, working on a wide variety of projects but eventually focusing on energy-related issues.
Best known as an educator, and an arbitrator and expert witness in international arbitration cases, Walde also mediated. He was the neutral in a $500 million dispute at the Falcondo mine in the Dominican Republic . He also successfully mediated cases between private oil companies under a joint operating agreement, and a high-value dispute between the Swedish and Polish energy companies.
You can see his full CV on the Dundee University site here < <> > . Links to many of his articles are available, with subscription, at this profile < > . Walde was a founder and executive director for more than a decade of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy < > at Dundee .
In recent years, Walde spread the word on using dispute resolution via a website and accompanying journals he edited, Transnational Dispute Management < > , and as moderator and owner of "OGEMID < > ," a list serve available through the TDM site whose name is an acronym for "oil-gas-energy-mining-investment disputes."
That list serve buzzed today with condolences and remembrances. Several posters credited Walde with expanding the international use of ADR processes, and vowed to continue his work.
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