As mentioned in an earlier post, we have arranged with Anna-Emilia Autio ([email protected]) and Petko Kantchevski ([email protected]) to report on the panel meetings in the Hormones Sanctions cases (DS320 and DS321). Due to the length of the meetings, it probably doesn't make sense to post their full reports here on the blog. Instead, I'll set up this post as a guide to their reports, with links to the full text on the server. The first stage of these reports is their rough notes from the meetings. Later, I think they'll try to prepare something that synthesizes the information a bit more, and I'll post that as well.
Summary of Hormones Sanctions Panel Meetings
Wednesday, September 27, 2006, meeting of Panel with parties and scientific experts (notes of Petko Kantchevski)
Thursday, September 28, 2006, meeting of Panel with parties and scientific experts (notes of Petko Kantchevski)
Monday/Tuesday, October 2-3, 2006, meeting of Panel with parties (notes of Anna-Emilia Autio)