Reuters is reporting on what they refer to as a "UN study" that argues "[t]he world needs clearer rules to judge when trade curbs on environmental or health grounds are justified or are simply protectionist." It also "urged governments to work out a common threshold of acceptable risk or at least 'a common practice of risk assessment' to help tackle disputes."
I definitely agree with the need for clearer rules in this area. With a topic this important, it would be nice to have more certainty as to what governments can and cannot do.
I'm a little confused about the reporting, though, because from what I can tell based on various web searches I've done, the "UN study" is actually this report, dated November 2005, sponsored by the UN University and co-authored by Sabrina Shaw and Risa Schwartz. But perhaps Reuters is reporting on it in anticipation of the GMOs panel report being circulated to the public, which should happen soon. Regardless of whether it's new, it is an important an issue (and Risa is an old friend of mine), so I thought I'd mention it.