Joel, our leader, has indicated that it is okay to use the blog for self-promotion (well, those weren't exactly his words) but anyhow I thought I would mention that a new edition of my treatise with Michael Trebilcock, The Regulation of International Trade, was published in the fall, again by Routledge. W'eve included all the case law up to about the time the Gambling ruling came down, as well as the state of play in the Doha negotiations up to about last spring. Dealing with the case law accumulated over 6 years meant expanding the book, which is now over 700 pages, but we managed to keep the paperback price to about $50US so that it is an affordable text for students or at least more affordable than most others. We continue in the style of our previous editions, providing perspective and opinion as well as analysis and synthesis--so in this new edition, you'll find our take on such current issues as the Chinese exchange rate, the role of investor-state dispute settlement, capital controls in trade agreements, TRIPs-plus, DSU reform, and much else . . . I wish that I had enough authors' copies to provide one to all the contributors of this blog but Routledge is not that generous.
Finally, there is a marvelous cover image, from a painting by Denyse Goulet (my wife).